Healthier Gums

Periodontal Therapies

  • Cleaning the teeth- Scaling using Ultrasonic / Piezotronic scalers
  • Subgingival Root Planing / Curettage
  • Flap Surgeries
  • Bone grafting
  • Guided Tissue Regeneration
  • Periodontal Microsurgeries using Electrosurgery / Radiosurgery
    • Gingivoplasty
    • Crown Lengthening for Gummy Smile
    • Depigmentation for Black coloured gums
    • Frenectomy
    • Vestibuloplasty
    • Graft for gingival recession

Most common causes of gum diseases:

  • Gum diseases are caused by improper oral hygiene.
  • Improper/inadequate brushing will lead to the formation of tooth deposits, which are mainly of two types.
  • The initially formed deposits are thin, soft, yellowish-white in color, and cannot easily be seen with the naked eye. This is called dental plaque.
  • Dental plaque will harden over time to form another type of deposit known as tartar or dental calculus.
  • Even though dental plaque forms very rapidly, proper brushing on a regular basis (twice a day) can remove most of it.
  • However, Calculus cannot be removed by brushing, and requires professional removal.
  • Plaque and calculus are initially formed on the tooth surface outside the gums. Subsequently, these will extend under the gums.
  • The action of the harmful bacteria present in these deposits will lead to infection of the gums.
  • Other conditions that can aggravate gum diseases are chronic smoking, diabetes, hormonal variations, pregnancy and certain medicines like Amilodipine (for hypertension) and Phenytoin (for epilepsy).
  • Although gum diseases usually manifest after the age of 35, a hereditary type of severe gum disease is sometimes seen in people less than 30 years of age. If untreated, this can lead to early tooth loss.

Symptoms and signs of gum diseases:

  • The initial signs of gum diseases are:
    • bleeding from the gums especially while brushing or biting on hard food,
    • bright red color of the gums, and
    • mild swelling of the gums
  • This is called gingivitis. At this stage the disease is confined only to the gums without affecting the underlying bone.
  • If gingivitis is not treated in time, it will lead to detachment of the gums from the tooth, creating a space between the gums and the tooth known as a pocket.
  • A pocket can be detected only by your doctor with the help of special instruments.
  • This stage of the disease is called periodontitis.
  • The common symptoms of periodontitis are
    • shaking teeth,
    • pus discharge from the gums,
    • foul taste in the mouth,
    • foul smell of the mouth,
    • itching sensation in the gums,
    • food getting stuck between the gums and the teeth,
    • sudden appearance of gaps between the teeth,
    • Change in the normal position of the teeth,
    • increase in the length of the tooth due to gum recession,
    • sensitivity of the teeth especially while taking cold food or drinks,
    • frequent occurrence of painful swellings on the gums (abscess formation).

Before Gum Treatment


After Gum Treatment


If not treated, the disease can progress to such an extent that the tooth will fall off.

Dental X-rays or Panoramic radiographs are often required to assess the extent of the disease.

Treatment of Gum Diseases:

  • The basic treatment for any type of gum disease starts with professional tooth cleaning called scaling. Multiple visits may be required depending on the amount of deposits on the teeth. Initial stages of gum disease (gingivitis) can most often be treated by proper scaling alone.
  • In more advanced cases, scaling has to be followed by deep scaling and root planing (scaling under the gums on the root). This may require the use of local anesthesia.
  • In case of deeper pockets and considerable loss of tooth supporting bone, flap surgery may be required. During this procedure, under local anesthesia, the gums are surgically reflected from the teeth, the infected tissues inside are removed and the root surfaces are thoroughly cleaned. In certain situations, artificial bone graft materials and GTR (Guided Tissue Regeneration) procedures are used in areas where natural bone has been destroyed due to disease. Afterwards, the gums are stitched back in place. The stitches can be removed within 10 – 14 days after surgery.
  • In the case of shaking teeth, a procedure called splinting can be done. Here, the loose teeth are attached to the adjacent firm teeth using certain materials.

No medicine can completely cure gum disease as long as the deposits are present on the tooth surface. In acute stages of the disease and following surgical treatment, certain antibiotics and antiseptic mouthwashes may be required to control the disease and prevent infection.

Esthetic gum surgery

Esthetic gum surgery is a surgical procedure of the gums done for improvement of the esthetic appearance of patients. It is usually indicated for people with gummy smile (excessive display of gums while smiling) and also for teeth with receded gums.

Before Treatment


After Treatment
