Has nominated Dr Udhayaraja for the Best Dentist award in the orthodontist category
Has nominated Dr Udhayaraja for the Best Dentist award in the orthodontist category
Specialized in Orthodontics
Dr Udhayarajas Dental Centre
Award Category : Best Dentist Award
Dr. Udhayaraja is Specialized in Orthodontics and Dental Surgeon with Masters Degree in Orthodontics. He had his advanced level Orthodontic training at National University of Singapore and Kesling and Rocke Orthodontic Centre, La Porte, Indiana, USA soon after Post Graduation.He had been an Observer at Tsurumi University, Japan and taken part in Global Symposiums on MBT Tecnique several years with Dr. Mc Laughlin , San Diego. Dr. Udhayaraja has attended annual conferences of American Association of Orthodontists, in USA every year as an International Member every year. He has also attended all the International conferences of WFO, World federation of Orthodontists for several years.He has also taken special interest in Implantology and had advanced level training of Implantology with American Academy of Implant Dentistry, USA. His special interest and passion is cosmetic Dentistry and Micro surgeries in Dentistry. He is also skilled and trained in Laser Dentistry.He has been practicing at Chennai since 1981 apart from maintaining a Satellite practice at Cochin and Coimbatore for Exclusive Orthodontics and dentofacial Orthopedics for Child and Adults.Dr.Udhayaraja had been teaching at Ragas Dental College as Professor of Orthodontia, the college being affiliated to Dr.M.G.R Medical University, Chennai.Academic credentials:BDS Madras University ,Tamil Nadu 1980 , Madras Medical College.MDS Post graduate degree in Orthodontics Madras University 1984, MMC.Certification in Advanced orthodontic techniques from Kesling & Rocke Orthodontic centre , La Porte , Indiana, U.S.AAsso.Fellow certification American Academy of Implant Dentistry , USA 2002.
Has nominated Dr Preethi Udhayaraja for the Young Women Best Dental Entrepreneur Award.
Dr Udhayarajas Dental & Orthodontic Centre
Award Category : Young Women Best Dental Entrepreneur Award
Dr. Preethi Udhayaraja is an Orthodontist and manages Dr Udhayarajas Dental & Orthodontic Centre, Chennai,INDIA